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Invisalign can fix it!

February 19, 2014

Sometime people come to us and say, “I want straight teeth but I don’t think the clear tray system is for me.” Well, lets start going through some of the myths- because it can fix almost anything!

  • Am I too young/old for straightening teeth? If you’ve got all your permanent teeth- we can surely help you. Sometimes that’s as early as 10 years old. But don’t think this is only for kids- Our oldest patient is 72!
  • People can still see the trays? Nope. I tell people only 5 people will know you’re getting Invisalign. Your Wife/Husband, kids, and closest friends, will be the only ones who will be able to see the trays. Once they go on the teeth, they blend in and become perfectly clear.


  • Will I talk funny? Yes – you will talk like Sylvester the Cat. Just kidding! Normally patients do have to get used to the trays for about 2-3 days. This process is quick one, as our tongue’s ability to learn new topography is amazing. So basically after the first couple days, you could speak in public and have no worries. A few famous patients have worn them while speaking/singing including Justin Bieber and a audio-book reader.
  • It probably costs more than metal braces? Nope. Usually at our practice it costs the same or cheaper than at other offices. Why does it cost less? Basically because we love to do it! For us, it’s all work done digitally, and it’s quite fun to plan exactly where the teeth will go.
  • Does it take longer than metal braces? Nope. Because we plan exactly how the teeth will come together and how to move each of them, it takes a shorter amount of time. Also, we can make multiple kinds of movements at a time, which also shortens treatment.

Overall, Invisalign is a system that all of the Doctors here love to use. Give us a call today and we can do a free consultation to see if Invisalign is the way to give you a great smile!