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How Saliva Impacts Your Oral Health

May 30, 2017

Prevent dental problems by visiting your Lincoln dentist regularly.Every part of your mouth—your tongue, your teeth, soft tissues, gums, and even (we should say especially) saliva—play a huge role in keeping your mouth functioning properly and healthy. Your Lincoln dentist wants you to truly understand the importance of staying hydrated with the appropriate fluids so that your body can create your oral health’s unsung hero: natural, bacteria fighting saliva.

Saliva and Oral Health

Did you know that your body is supposed to make two to four pints of saliva a day? That means that over a lifetime, a person will create enough saliva to fill two swimming pools! But, why is saliva important? Well, there’s more than one answer to that.

  • First, saliva aids in digestion.
  • It begins the process of breaking down food and helps us chew, taste and swallow.
  • Additionally, saliva is essential to maintaining our oral health.
  • Our spit contains antimicrobial agents that protect teeth and defend against bacteria.
  • It also contains minerals such as calcium and phosphate that help to strengthen the enamel.
  • It washes away that extra food and debris left in your mouth that contributes to decay.
  • It also helps neutralize the acids created by bacteria that break down enamel and cause cavities.

Why We Recommend Water over Sugary Drinks

Has your dentist, even before your dentist in Lincoln, told you to drink more water? Probably so, but your past dentist ever explain in-depth how sugars and acid create one of the most toxic combinations for your teeth? Sugars and dental bacteria create an acidic mixture of plaque and sticking to the crevices between your teeth and gums.

This produces toxic acid in your mouth. This acid steadily attacks your teeth along with the acid that’s already in the type of drink you’re enjoying rather than water. Even “diet” or “sugar-free” drinks still contain acid that can harm your teeth and start a bad dental issue: tooth decay. If you’re constantly drinking substances full of sugar and acid, you will weaken your smile, becoming susceptible to dental problems like cavities and tooth loss.

Sugary Drinks You Should Avoid

Williamsburg Dental encourages you to eliminate these drinks from your diet altogether. If you’re wondering whether you should drink a certain soft drink, we strongly suggest to sticking to water—it’s best for your oral and overall health!


  • Coca-Cola—in a serving size of 375ml, there are 40g of sugar.
  • Sprite—in serving size of 600ml, there are 61g of sugar.
  • Fanta—in a serving size of 375ml, there are 42g of sugar.

Energy and Sports Drinks

  • Red Bull—in a serving of 250ml, there are 27g of sugar.
  • Gatorade—in a serving of 600ml, there are 36g of sugar.
  • Powerade—in a serving of 600ml, there are 34g of sugar.

Visit Your Dentist to Prevent Tooth Decay

One of the best ways to fight tooth decay is scheduling and keeping your regular dental appointments at our Lincoln office. We will thoroughly examine your teeth for signs of tooth decay, help prevent cavities with dental sealants if needed, and professionally clean your teeth to avoid acidic build-up. When’s the last time you visited Williamsburg Dental? Contact us today to book your next appointment!