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Dentist Suggests You Avoid These Foods for a Great Smile

July 13, 2017

citrus fruitsTaking care of your pearly whites involves more than just brushing, flossing, and rinsing. You also have to be aware of your eating habits and how the foods you consume can affect your teeth. Some of your favorite snacks could be damaging that gorgeous smile of yours. Fortunately, your Crete dentist is here to list foods that you should avoid if you want to achieve the best possible oral health.

Citrus Fruits

There is plenty to love about citrus fruits; they have high levels of vitamin C, and they’re delicious. However, they come with a downside. They have high levels of citric acid, which can damage tooth enamel. When you indulge in citrus treats, have a glass of milk or plain water with them so you can wash some of the acid away. Wait at least 30 minutes after you eat to brush your teeth so you’re not scrubbing weakened enamel with your toothbrush.


Coffee is acidic, and it can stain your teeth. If you can’t say no to your morning cup of Joe, though, there are things you can do to minimize your caffeine fix’s negative impact. Avoid adding lots of sugar to it, and drink plenty of water afterward. Also, putting a bit of milk in your coffee can give you a calcium boost that your teeth will love.

Sticky Foods

Dried fruit can be a tasty snack, but it can also wreak havoc on your teeth. Sticky foods tend to linger on your teeth longer than other edibles, which means they have more of a chance to damage your teeth. If you often find yourself consuming trail mix, dried fruit, or other sticky foods, be sure to drink plenty of water, and be very thorough when you’re brushing and flossing.


Alcohol leads to a dry mouth and dehydration. When your saliva production is decreased, you lose a powerful barrier against damage to your oral health. A dry mouth leaves you more vulnerable to infections, tooth decay, and gum disease. It’s still all right to have a drink once in a while, but try not to make it a daily habit.

Sugary Drinks

Sugary drinks are the worst! The sugar clings to your teeth, bacteria consume the sugar, and the result is plaque. The plaque can sneak into the tight spaces between your teeth, leading to cavities. Furthermore, many sugary drinks also contain dyes that can stain your teeth as well as acid that can erode your pearly whites. Your best bet is to say no to sweet drinks and opt for a refreshing glass of water instead.

The foods and beverages you choose can have a big impact on your oral health. In order to have a great smile, listen to your dentist in Crete and avoid the above-listed foods.

About the Author

Dr. Andre Rossini is a Brazil native, but he and his wife have lived in Nebraska for the last 10 years. Dr. Rossini loves the local community and wants all of his patients to have healthy smiles. If you have concerns about your oral health, reach out to Crete Family Dental via our website or by phone at 402-418-7214.