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Gum Disease and 5 Other Issues That May Occur If You Skip the Dentist

August 16, 2018

A woman covering her mouth.People may think that they can get away with skipping dental visits, but their oral health is only going to catch up with them eventually. It won’t only be cosmetic issues that appear either; you can easily develop gum disease, decay, and even severe conditions like tooth loss and oral cancer. For these reasons, it’s always worth it to visit your dentist regularly for cleanings and exams.

Take a moment to learn more about these conditions in more detail!

Plaque Buildup

Dental plaque is a thin, sticky layer of film that coats the surface of teeth and gums. Since it can cover all areas of the mouth, you don’t need to have teeth to be affected by it. Thankfully, this film is easily removed by brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and by visiting the dentist. Without removal, it can develop into a calcified form known as tartar, which can only be removed by a dentist.

Bad Breath

We all have bouts of bad breath once in a while, either because we forgot to brush or because we just ate a big slice of garlic bread or drank a cup of coffee. In most cases, bad breath can be cured by practicing brushing and flossing, but you may need to change up your routine for particularly bad-smelling breath. Try brushing your tongue or adding an alcohol-based mouthwash to your routine!


If you drink beverages with rich pigmentation or acidic properties, you’ve probably sustained small amounts of staining on your teeth over the years. If removed promptly, these stains can rub off enamel quite easily. However, they can also set and remain, causing your teeth to yellow. If significantly stained, you may want to pursue teeth whitening or porcelain veneers to get your smile looking white again.


Tooth decay occurs when plaque isn’t removed either at home or through dental visits. After enough time, the decay can cause cavities, fracture teeth, and require extensive restorative work to fix. The last thing you want is for your pulp to become exposed to bacteria!

Gum Disease

Also known as periodontal disease, the symptoms of gum disease include tender, swollen, red, and bleeding gums. Gums may also begin to recede, making the teeth appear longer than usual. Early stages can be reversed by improving at-home care, but moderate to severe gum disease typically needs periodontal therapy from a dentist in Lincoln.

Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is an uncontrollable growth of cells that specifically targets tissue inside the oral cavity and appears as a sore that doesn’t go away, unlike canker sores. It can appear on the tongue, lips, cheeks, gums, hard and soft palate, and other areas inside and around the mouth. By visiting the dentist, your chances of catching it early are much higher, making it far easier to treat and remove.

Dental visits can mean the difference between embarrassing yourself due to bad breath and developing a serious disease that kills thousands every year. Stay on top of your oral health by seeing a dentist in Lincoln today!

About the Author

Regardless of your dental needs, Dr. Danielle Wasielewski has you covered. One of her favorite aspects of dentistry is being able to take care of each patient’s unique problems and do everything she can to treat the source of the issue you’re having. To learn more about her background, you can contact her at (402) 420-2222 or visit her Village Drive or South Street dental websites.