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The Safest Way to Remove Baby Teeth from a Dentist in Lincoln

September 4, 2018

A smiling child.

If you look up videos of parents helping their children pull out loose baby teeth, you may be surprised by how creative some parents get. From using a door tied to a string to using a Nerf bullet tied to a string, these methods can be entertaining to some. Of course, that doesn’t mean they’re the safest way to remove baby teeth. For one, these methods are not particularly sanitary. The last thing you want to do is introduce new bacteria to your child’s developing mouth.

Instead, consider these steps from a dentist in Lincoln to remove loose baby teeth safely.


Start with washing your hands with hot soapy water as you’ll need to stick your fingers in your child’s mouth to retrieve the tooth. The worst thing you can do is introduce your own bacteria to your child because of how vulnerable developing mouths are to bacteria.

Use a clean tissue or gauze pad to grab the tooth and begin wiggling it back and forth. If the tooth doesn’t feel ready to come out, give it some time. Never force a baby tooth out if it’s not ready. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s erupting baby teeth, don’t hesitate to contact the dentist before removing any teeth.

After wiggling the tooth, gently twist to remove it; it should pop out easily. Try to keep your child calm by telling her about the reward she’s going to get from the tooth fairy later.

Apply Pressure

If there is any minor bleeding in the tooth socket, apply gentle pressure to the area to stop the bleeding. Bleeding may occur for only a few minutes and if it occurs longer than 15 minutes, have them spit the blood out and get to the dentist as soon as possible. While this is unlikely, you don’t want your child to swallow large amounts of blood and become nauseous.

Examine the Area

When the tooth is out and the bleeding has stopped, examine your child’s mouth for any broken pieces. Examine the gums and make sure it isn’t stuck behind other teeth. If you can’t account for the entire tooth, it’s possible that your child may have swallowed it accidentally. Any fragments that are left behind should trigger an appointment to the dentist.

Introduce Them to the Tooth Fairy

After your child is stable and the tooth is cleaned, tell them about the tooth fairy. Explain to her that as a reward for letting you remove the tooth, the tooth fairy comes to leave a gift late at night while they’re sleeping. If this excites your child, ask them if money or another item would be a suitable gift in exchange for their tooth.

However, if the idea of the tooth fairy visiting frightens them, don’t force the visit on them. Instead, tell them that you’ll take care of the exchange. Instead of placing the reward under their pillow, give them the gift in the morning and tell them that the tooth fairy stopped by last night. Associating rewards with baby teeth will make the process easier for future teeth once they’re ready to come out.

Have you scheduled your child for a dental appointment? Contact a children’s dentist in Lincoln to keep your child’s oral health on track!

About the Author

As a proud mother of two, Dr. Danielle Wasielewski understands the importance of maintaining a child’s oral health. To learn more about her dental services specifically catered to children, you can contact her through her Village Drive or South Street locations or by calling (402) 420-2222 today!