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Steps Your Dentist Is Taking after COVID-19

May 30, 2020

patient visiting dentist in Lincoln

During the last several months, your routine has been thrown off because of the global pandemic. Businesses and offices have been closed for weeks, and everyday tasks have become more challenging with the threat of infection still present. Now everyone has to figure out a “new normal” moving forward, and your dentist in Lincoln is no different. As a result, you may be wondering how your dental visits may change—read on to learn what you can expect when you come to the office.

Prescreening Before the Appointment

Even before you set foot in your dental office, a team member will call you to ask whether you’ve experienced any unusual symptoms. This questionnaire will be repeated once you’re in the office to make sure nothing has changed since the phone call. When you arrive, they will take your temperature using a touchless, infra-red thermometers. These seemingly small steps do not just protect the dental team but all other patients who come in and reduce everyone’s exposure to the virus.

Cleaning the Air

COVID-19 is spread from person to person through droplets in the air, these germs can get on your hands and come into contact with your eyes, nose, or mouth and enter your system. That’s why controlling air particles is more important than ever. Some offices have integrated medical grade air purifiers in every office to capture germy particles in the air. They also have high filtered HVAC filters to take care of any potential aerosols that may be infectious.

Providing Extra Protection

You’re used to seeing your dentist with a mask and gloves, but the team is taking other precautions. Clear plastic guards stand between patients and our front desk staff, blocking possible transfer. For team members who will perform your dental work, you may also notice additional protective equipment, such as headwear, extra masks, clear face shields, gloves, and more. These items not only help the dentist and the team avoid germs from the patient but also protect the patient from potential infection from the dental staff.

Sanitizing All Surfaces

Although creating a clean, safe environment has always been a priority for your dental team, this has become even more important since the pandemic. Instead of sanitizing surfaces on a daily basis, the dental team takes the time to do so between each patient to limit cross contamination.

With all these measures in place, you don’t have to worry about whether you’re visiting a safe dentist in Lincoln. Dental work doesn’t have to increase your risk of infection, and you feel confident leaving the office. You can visit their office knowing that your smile—and your health—are in capable hands.

About the Practice

Williamsburg Dental has six locations throughout the Lincoln area and eight dentists on staff. Upon reopening, the practice has integrated new safety standards, including prescreening questions, temperature checks, advanced PPE, and much more. If you have questions about these precautions, or if you would like to schedule an appointment at Williamsburg Dental, you can contact the office by clicking here.