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Can a Toothache Compromise Your Overall Health?

November 11, 2020

a young woman wearing a tan blouse and holding her cheek in pain because of a serious toothache

Think your toothache is nothing more than a minor problem that will quickly remedy itself within a few days? This common mindset of many individuals is what can lead to sudden trips to the emergency dentist or local ER to try and treat a tooth infection. The reality is that the mouth and body are closely connected, so if a serious toothache develops, it is only a matter of time before other problems occur that can result in life-threatening situations. To avoid the potential of this happening to you, a dentist explains what to look for and why seeing a professional for immediate treatment is necessary.

What Are the Signs of a Tooth Infection?

You might assume the only symptom you should watch for is pain; however, this is only of many signs that can signal a problem develop in both your mouth and body. If you are unsure whether it is necessary to seek treatment for your nagging toothache, here are some additional symptoms that should have you calling your dental office right away:

  • Frequent headaches
  • Increased fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Fever that causes sweating and/or chills
  • Swelling around the mouth, face, or neck
  • Difficulty opening your mouth and/or swallowing
  • Inability to breathe adequately because of increased swelling
  • Lack of urination
  • Confusion
  • Rapid pulse rate
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting

Why is Emergency Treatment Necessary?

Whether your tooth infection is caused by poor oral hygiene, facial trauma, or dry mouth, it is best to let a trusted dental professional administer treatment as soon as possible. Otherwise, you could be faced with significant health problems that negatively impact your wellbeing. While this type of problem (infection or abscess) can affect each person differently, it’s not uncommon for the following conditions to develop:

  • Sepsis – When bacteria enter the bloodstream, it weakens the immune system and causes the body to have difficulty fighting off infections.
  • Respiratory distress – If the bacteria reaches the lungs, you can experience difficulty breathing because of the multiplying of bad bacteria.
  • Meningitis – This dangerous disease can develop as a result of harmful bacteria causing a tooth infection and the body’s inability to fight off infection.
  • Ludwig’s Angina – The infection spread to the chest area making it difficult to breathe and/or swallow. The throat can become inflamed, resulting in the inability to speak loudly or at all.

Developing any of these conditions can be catastrophic and life-threatening, which is why no matter how minor you believe your toothache to be, it’s best to let the professionals take a look and make a proper diagnosis.

How Can a Dentist Help?

Should you notice that you are developing any of the above-mentioned signs or symptoms associated with a tooth infection, make sure to call your dentist’s office right away. Alert them to the situation and prepare to make time to get in for a visit. During your appointment, they will examine your oral cavity and determine if an infection is present. If so, your dentist will provide various suggestions as to how to treat the problem to prevent it from entering into your bloodstream and negatively impacting your overall health.

By not letting a simple toothache get out of hand, you can expect to enjoy greater health and wellbeing for the years to come.

About the Practice
Dealing with a continuous toothache that won’t go away? Our team at Williamsburg Dental is here to provide immediate assistance when you need it most. What can appear as annoying tooth pain can quickly escalate into something more serious if left untreated. This is why we recommend you contact an emergency dentist to inquire about available treatment. If you or a loved one are suffering from increasing tooth discomfort, visit our website or call (402) 421-6611.