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Chapped Lips? Ways to Combat Common Oral Problems During Winter

November 24, 2020

an up-close look at a person’s chapped lips

The winter months are a welcomed change for some people. The cold temperatures, the beautiful white snow, and evenings spent warming by the fireplace are what this time of year is all about. Unfortunately, with frigid temps come colds, cracked lips, and dry mouth. Many of the most common winter mouth issues occur when the weather changes, so if you want to avoid chapped lips, dry mouth, tooth sensitivity, and cold sores, read on to find out what you can do to keep your smile healthy and beautiful throughout the winter.

Dry, Chapped Lips

When you mix the wind, cold, and sun, you may find that your lips become the unfortunate victim. Exposure to these elements can make supple, healthy lips suddenly appear dry, cracked, and chapped. It is advised that if you are outside for any amount of time during the winter months to wear a lip balm with an SFP 15 or higher. By applying it regularly as well as drinking plenty of water, you can keep them moist and looking their best for your upcoming holiday photos. You might also try using a humidifier in your bedroom while asleep.

Tooth Sensitivity

Cold weather is often associated with sensitive teeth. For individuals living with this common problem, stepping outside and breathing in the cool air can cause immediate pain and discomfort much in the same way consuming something hot or cold can. If you want to avoid tooth sensitivity, try using a toothpaste that is designed to desensitize your teeth. Your dentist can recommend brands that are best for this type of problem. You might also try breathing through your nose when entering into the elements, as this will allow you to keep the frigid air from coming into contact with your teeth.

Cold Sores

Avoiding holiday pictures because of your unsightly cold sore? Although an unpleasant and unsightly surprise, it is best if you treat is appropriately by keep your mouth better protected. Using SPF lip balm while outside, thoroughly washing your hands to avoid spreading harmful bacteria, and keeping your stress levels low will help to minimize break outs and allow you to see a clearer appearance in less time.

Dry Mouth

The winter months are notorious for bringing the cold and flu with it. As a result, you may discover that a running nose or sore throat aren’t the only things you develop. Dry mouth is a common occurrence and often occurs because of the inability to breathe through your nose while battling a cold, causing you to become a “mouth breather” while you sleep. Additionally, if you are not drinking enough water and staying hydrated, your mouth will become dry, allowing bacteria to accumulate and cause gum disease or tooth decay.

To prevent dry mouth from becoming a serious problem, make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day and limit your soda and coffee intake.

Getting through the winter might seem like a never-ending saga, but if you apply these tips on a daily basis, you’ll notice a dramatic difference in the health of your smile, allowing you to get ready for warmer spring and summer months that lie ahead.

About the Practice
At Williamsburg Dental, our dental professionals know what kind of trouble the winter months can cause. Apart from slick roads and frigid temperatures, chapped lips, dry mouth, and sensitivity can leave you looking for solutions. Fortunately, our team is here to keep your smile on track with preventive services designed to treat and protect against the most common oral health problems this time of year. We’ll also provide helpful tips to keep your lips, breath, and teeth looking their best. If your mouth is suffering the effects of cold weather, visit our website or call (402) 421-6611 to let us help.