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Feel the Burn! How Exercise Can Help Prevent Gum Disease

November 14, 2023

older man stretching with a group getting ready to exercise

If you are concerned about your weight, heart health, and just overall wellness, you know that regular exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. But did you know that it may help prevent one of the most common conditions in the world? Affecting nearly half of American adults over the age of 30, gum disease can seem inevitable, but the truth is that prevention is feasible!

With a daily hygiene routine, regular visits to the dentist, and exercise, you can keep your smile and your body in the best condition possible.

Basics of Gum Disease

Gum disease, which is also called periodontal disease, is fundamentally an inflammatory condition. Bacteria in plaque create acids that irritate the gum tissue, causing it to become red, puffy, and easy to bleed. In more advanced stages of gum disease, the gums pull back, and the infection spreads to the jawbone. Eventually, the support given to teeth weakens, making them loose.

Without treatment, gum disease leads to tooth loss, but studies have also shown that this condition also increases the risk of potentially life-threatening diseases like heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and certain kinds of cancer.

How Exercise Could Help You Fight Gum Disease

At first, exercise may seem completely unrelated to mouth-related conditions. After all, you’re not “working out” your teeth or gums! However, there are several connections that can benefit your smile. First, when you are exercising, you should be drinking more water to stay hydrated. This frequent sipping of water helps to rinse your mouth of sticky, bacteria-filled plaque. As a result, your gums can stay strong and pink.

Second, when you are physically active, inflammation throughout the body goes down. This can only help your gums fight inflammation-causing bacteria in the mouth.

Third, if you are taking the time and effort to exercise regularly, you may have the motivation to have better health overall. As a result, you may make better diet decisions. Less sugary, starchy foods can lower your risk of cavities and gum disease as well as help you burn fat more efficiently.

Help Your Body and Smile Simultaneously

Believe it or not, it doesn’t take much activity to reap the benefits of exercise. According to several studies, if you go on a walk for 30 minutes every day—or do more intensive workouts for one hour three times a week—you can experience less risk for gum disease. This means that you could better protect your smile by simply walking the dog!

In the end, exercise alone can’t keep gum disease at bay, but combined with other healthy habits, it can help you stay healthy everywhere, including your mouth. The next time you go on a walk, take the stairs, or head to the gym, you have another reason to smile!

About the Practice

Williamsburg Dental is proud to be part of your wellness team. Our dentists are concerned about how your oral health affects your overall health and treating patients according to their individual needs. If gums are infected, we can give periodontal treatment or, in severe cases, work on tooth replacement options. If you think you might have gum disease, get in touch with one of our six locations for an appointment as soon as possible.