When you initially learned about Invisalign, you quickly found out about its amazing benefits and advantages over traditional braces. At face value, it seems like all you need to achieve your perfectly straight smile is these clear aligners. However, you might not have heard about something common in treatment called Invisalign attachments. Here, you’ll get more information about what these attachments are, why you may need them, and whether they will hurt to remove when treatment ends.
(more…)Say What Now? Learn about Invisalign Attachments
November 22, 2024
How to Fight Cold and Flu Season While You Have Invisalign
November 6, 2024
It starts with a sore throat or maybe a small sniffle and a sneeze, but it can bring misery. Cold and flu season has arrived, and this year, you’ve also got Invisalign going on. Can you ward off this common time to get sick while you undergo Invisalign treatment? What are some tips you can use to make sure you don’t spread infection to others? Keep reading to find out how you can survive!