All-on-4 Dental Implants – Lincoln, NE
Complete Implant Replacement with Minimal Posts
Above the gums, you need to have dental prosthetics that replace each individual tooth so that you can maintain a natural look. Under the gum surface is a different story. In order to keep your full dentures in place, you don’t need to have an implant for every missing tooth. In fact, a modern dentures technique, called All-on-4 dental implants, from our Lincoln, NE dentist entails attaching your dentures to four strategically placed implants in the jaw to provide the stability needed.
How do All-on-4 dental implants work?

It may seem crazy that just four posts could keep an entire arch of teeth firmly in place, but it’s true! Typically, two posts are positioned near where the outside incisors are located. The other two are closer to the back of the mouth, but instead of being placed vertically, they are placed at a 45-degree angle so that they integrate with the denser bone toward the front of your jaw. As a result, these tilted implants are able to support the implants sufficiently to provide the biting power necessary for dentures in the long term.
Am I a candidate for All-on-4 dental implants?

In many cases, those who qualify for dental implants in general will likely be eligible for All-on-4 implants, but some cases may require more than just four implants. For example, if you have certain medical conditions, having at least two additional dental implants could provide the extra support your dentures need. To find out if you are a good candidate for All-on-4 treatment, schedule a consultation with one of our skilled dentists. They can perform a thorough exam, answer your questions, and create a personalized treatment plan to meet your specific needs.
What are the benefits of All-on-4 dental implants?

Choosing All-on-4 dental implants gives you many advantages, including the following:
- Less oral surgery to undergo. With fewer implants, you can get the job done with minimum amount of time in the dentist’s chair.
- No need for a bone graft. The jaw bone becomes thinner and less dense toward the back, so angling the posterior posts to anchor to the front part of the jaw often eliminates the need for a bone graft.
- Less treatment and recovery time. Without additional oral surgery or a bone graft, you can get your smile restored sooner and more efficiently.
- Lower cost. Fewer implants means less money.
Should I choose All-on-4 or traditional dental implants?

Although the concept is fundamentally the same between traditional implants and All-on-4 implants, one obvious difference is that All-on-4 includes the minimum number of dental implants to retain your dentures by angling the posterior posts. Although this method seems to provide everything you could ever want in restoring your smile after total tooth loss, it may or may not be the treatment you should choose. Again, our dentists can provide the insights you may need to make a more confident decision. Contact us today to schedule your consultation with us today and get on the path toward a completely functional, beautiful smile!
All-on-4 Dental Implants FAQs
In dentistry, All-on-4 dental implants can be some of the most complex cases, so it makes sense if you have questions regarding this treatment. Here are some of the most common ones we get and our general responses. If you have others or need clarification, contact us and schedule a consultation for more information.
Does Getting All-on-4 Dental Implants Hurt?
Like getting regular dental implants, All-on-4 treatment does involve minor surgery, which usually entails some discomfort in recovery. However, during the procedure itself, you will be completely numb and kept comfortable. In addition to the local anesthetic, you can receive nitrous oxide, a sedative that can help you relax and feel content while we place the minimum number of implants into your mouth. As you heal, you may take over-the-counter pain reliever and put a cold compress on your face to control your discomfort at home.
Are All-on-4 Dental Implants Covered by Dental Insurance?
Dental insurance companies commonly do not have benefits for dental implants, including All-on-4. Parts of treatment, such as preliminary tooth extractions and the denture, may be partially paid for, but the placement procedure is most likely going to be completely out-of-pocket. When you have your consultation, our front desk team will look closely at your insurance plan and try to maximize benefits you’re entitled to and save you as much as possible.
How Long Does It Take to Get All-on-4 Dental Implants?
The time it takes to complete All-on-4 treatment will greatly vary from patient to patient. While some are ready right away, others may require preparatory work like tooth extractions or gum disease treatment. However, once you are in a good position, the placement procedure is usually pretty fast. After all, you’re only getting 4 implants! You’ll need to allow several months of healing afterward to give the jawbone time to fuse with the implants. After that point, your dentures can be attached, completing your smile!
Will I Be Able to Take My Dentures Out?
With All-on-4 dental implants, the only person who can remove your dentures is the dentist because your prosthetic teeth will be bonded in place. With this in mind, you need to treat them just like natural teeth. Although they won’t get cavities, inflammation-causing plaque can infect your gums and jawbone, which means you must keep your dentures clean through daily brushing and flossing.