Mouthguards & Nightguards – Lincoln, NE
Oral Appliances Customized to Your Unique Needs
At Williamsburg Dental, we are dedicated to preserving our patients’ smiles for the long haul. As much as possible, we strive to prevent damage rather than simply treating it once it’s already happened. Few treatments illustrate this approach better than our mouthguards and nightguards from our Lincoln, NE dentist. These protective oral appliances are designed to make your smile last for years to come. If you would like to get a personalized mouthguard or nightguard, give us a call or let us know at your next appointment!
Why Are Mouthguards & Nightguards Necessary?

Did you know that your tooth enamel is the strongest material in your body? It enables you to bite and chew your food, but that doesn’t mean it’s indestructible. Once lost, natural tooth structure cannot be replaced. That’s why it’s important to protect your smile by doing more than just brushing, flossing, and coming in for routine checkup appointments. Here’s how these two oral appliances work to help you keep your smile strong.
On the field or the court, a mouthguard is an essential piece of protective equipment. In sports like hockey, football, rugby, and others, you’re likely to experience an impact to the face, which can cause serious damage to your teeth. Even sports that don’t involve a lot of intentional contact, like soccer and basketball, have some risk for hard blows to the face. A mouthguard shields your smile from potential trauma, and some studies suggest that a mouthguard can also help lower the risk of concussions!
At first glance, clenching or grinding your teeth while you sleep may not seem like a serious problem. However, this common condition (called bruxism) subjects your smile to enormous pressure. Over time, the enamel or protective layer of your teeth wears down. As a result, your teeth can become weaker and more susceptible to cracks. Because it is difficult to stop a habit you do while you’re asleep, the next best thing is to keep the upper and lower teeth from touching at all with a gentle nightguard.
Why Are Custom Guards Superior to Store-Bought?

Although you may find over-the-counter mouthguards and nightguards at the store, they are vastly inferior to the ones you can get with our dental experts. Commercial mouthguards are created to try to fit as many people as possible, but the reality is that this one-size-fits-all style doesn’t fit anyone. As a result, store-bought mouthguards slip and slide out of place, feel uncomfortable, or don’t get used at all. Basically, they don’t provide the protection you need. For our mouthguards and nightguards, we take impressions of your unique smile and create a mouthguard that fits perfectly.